2.0 DVD中字


  God casts Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden because Eve decided to have a fling with a visiting Cro-Magnon named Bearkiller. The disgraced couple find themselves on the outside up against an assortment of various dinosaurs, flying monsters and cannibals.  It's not as silly as it sounds, the acting and action are really quite good and the different twists to the familiar tale will hold viewer interest while still retaining the Biblical link. The aforementioned Cro-Magnon warrior bearkiller (Angel Alcazar) really steals the show with his valiant ferocity and desire to appropriate the rather helpless Eve from her wimpy inept Adam.


  • 9.0 HD 无法触碰的爱 陈龙,林鹏,姜超,高姝瑶
  • 3.0 HD 怦然心动 玛德琳·卡罗尔,卡兰·麦克奥利菲,瑞贝卡·德·莫妮,安东尼·爱德华兹,约翰·马奥尼,佩内洛普·安·米勒,艾丹·奎因,凯文·韦斯曼,摩根·莉莉,瑞安·克茨纳,吉莉安·普法夫,迈克尔·博萨,博·勒纳,杰奎琳·埃沃拉,泰勒·格鲁秀斯,艾莉·布莱恩特,阿什莉·泰勒,伊瑟尔·布罗萨德,科迪·霍恩,迈克尔·博尔顿,肖恩·哈珀,斯戴芬妮·斯考特,帕特丽夏·伦茨,马修·戈尔德,阿罗拉·凯瑟琳·史密斯,凯莉·唐纳利,索菲亚·撒高,米歇尔·梅斯默,斯科特·乔尔·吉兹基,罗德·迈尔斯,卡拉,帕西托,凯特琳·帕西托
  • 2.0 更新至2160P 遇见你 李汶翰,徐若晗,王博文,高秋梓,柯蓝,陈天明,连凯,谭凯,傅淼,苇青,李萍
  • 5.0 HD 天生爱情狂 张智霖,刘心悠,雨侨,黄智雯,梁竞徽,叶熙祺,陈柏宇,苟芸慧
  • 1.0 更新至1080P 在街上 若叶龙也,穗志萌香,古川琴音,萩原实里,中田青渚,成田凌
  • 10.0 HD 落绕 王艺曈,周杰,李虎城,杜建桥,王春妹,张东旭,张津铭,王红旗


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